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iplumbyou.com I had local advertising covered but I needed to be more accessible to my customers. I needed to take orders over the internet and make it easy for my customers to see what I do and what areas I cover, before the first call. Hoax Design met and exceeded my needs. They set up a site that delivers what I need and more in only a few days. They worked with me to give me a greater understanding of how internet advertising works, which allowed me to target my customer’s specific needs in my service area. Business runs smoother now than it had ever ran before. I owe a great deal of my company’s well being to Hoax Design.

Hal Cartrett
H.S. Cartrett Plumbing and General Repair
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Content Tips

There are some very important considerations to make when writing the content for your website.

1. Your website content will differ from your printed content.
While your printed brochure's copy may captivate customers and inspire them to buy, it may not be suitable for the internet. Consider this, people read slower online than they do printed material. Your copy has to be short & to the point.

2. Why should anyone visit your website?
The #1 reason people use the internet is to get information. If you provide your visitors with helpful tips on how to choose a particular product over another, or a how to section that relates to your product or service. They will enjoy your website more, they will trust you more & will be more likely to buy from you instead of your competition.

3. Why should anyone come back to your website?
Keep your website up to date. Your website should be updated every 3 months or more often if possible. Even of the changes are minimal. Most people will visit your site several times before buying from you. If your website doesn't stay fresh, why would anyone want to come back?

4. Why should anyone buy from you instead of your competition?
This is usually what closes the deal. You can't just tell people you're the "best" you need to offer something unique that they can't or won't get elsewhere.

5. Use bullets & outlines to make important content stand out.
Providing your key content in a simple to find, easy to read format increases the likelihood that it will be read and shows respect for your visitor's time.

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