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iplumbyou.com I had local advertising covered but I needed to be more accessible to my customers. I needed to take orders over the internet and make it easy for my customers to see what I do and what areas I cover, before the first call. Hoax Design met and exceeded my needs. They set up a site that delivers what I need and more in only a few days. They worked with me to give me a greater understanding of how internet advertising works, which allowed me to target my customer’s specific needs in my service area. Business runs smoother now than it had ever ran before. I owe a great deal of my company’s well being to Hoax Design.

Hal Cartrett
H.S. Cartrett Plumbing and General Repair
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Design Term Glossary

Our design term glossary defines the majority of the terms commonly used in graphic & web design.



Descender: in typography, the part of the letterform that dips below the baseline; usually refers to lowercase letters and some punctuation, but some typefaces have uppercase letters with descenders.

Dingbat typeface: a typeface made up of nonalphabetic marker characters, such as arrows, asterisks, encircled numbers.

Discretionary hyphen: a hyphen that will occur only if the word appears at the end of a line, not if the word appears in the middle of a line.

Display type: large and/or decorative type used for headlines and as graphic elements in display pieces. Common sizes are 14, 18, 24, 30, 36, 48, 60, and 72 point.

Dither: for digital halftones, the creation of a flat bitmap by simply turning dots off or on. All dots are the same size, there are simply more of them in dark areas and fewer of them in light areas -- as opposed to deep bitmaps used in gray-scale images.

Domain: The name for a network of computers. For example, znet.com is the domain name for any number of machines, or hosts, within zNET's network. Any machine attached to that network, including all users' machines with a dialup connection, are hosts within the znet.com domain. Furthermore, znet.com is within the .com domain.

DNS: Domain Name Service. A DNS database cross-references a domain name, such as znet.com, and its associated hosts, with their IP addresses. A host's IP address, not necessarily the host and domain name, is needed to connect to a remote server. Example of DNS 'NS1.HOAXDESIGN.COM NS2.HOAXDESIGN.COM

DPI (dots per inch): the unit of measurement used to describe the resolution of printed output. The most common desktop laser printers output a 300 dpi. Medium-resolution printers output at 600 dpi. Image setters output at 1270-2540 dpi.

Draft: A first or preliminary form of any writing or design, subject to revision, copying, etc. (Webster's, p.592)

Drop shadow: Drop shadows are those shadows dropping below text or images which gives the illusion of shadows from lighting and gives a 3D effect to the object.

Duotone: a halftone image printed with two colors, one dark and the other light. The same photograph is halftoned twice, using the same screen at two different angles; combining the two improves the detail and contrast.


Editing: Going over a written piece to correct mechanical errors (spelling, grammar, punctuation, style); could also be called proofreading and is not to be confused with revision.

Egyptian type: originally, from 1815 on, bold face with heavy slabs or square serifs.

Em space: a space as wide as the point size of the types. This measurement is relative; in 12-point type an em space is 12 points wide, but in 24-point type an em space is 24 points wide.

Emboss: Embossing a graphic image adds dimension to it by making the image appear as if it were carved as a projection from a flat background.

En space: a space half as wide as the type is high (half an em space)

Export: Exporting allows the user to save the file in another format to be opened in other programs.

Expanded (font): a font in which the set widths of the characters are wider than in the standard typeface. (Note: not the intercharacter space -- that is accomplished through letterspacing -- but the characters themselves).

Extended type: typefaces that are wide horizontally -- Hellenic, Latin Wide, Egyptian Expanded, Microgramma Extended, etc.

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