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iplumbyou.com I had local advertising covered but I needed to be more accessible to my customers. I needed to take orders over the internet and make it easy for my customers to see what I do and what areas I cover, before the first call. Hoax Design met and exceeded my needs. They set up a site that delivers what I need and more in only a few days. They worked with me to give me a greater understanding of how internet advertising works, which allowed me to target my customer’s specific needs in my service area. Business runs smoother now than it had ever ran before. I owe a great deal of my company’s well being to Hoax Design.

Hal Cartrett
H.S. Cartrett Plumbing and General Repair
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If enough people have seen it . . . it must be true.

The stories below have been gathered up from around the internet for the sole purpose of entertaining you. We have enjoyed them, we hope you will too.

No one at Hoax Design has ever encountered Big Foot, aliens, UFO's or found evidence supporting any conspiracy theories including illuminati's. Unless of course, they are afraid to come forward with what they know.

If you have or know any stories that fit in with what you see here, send 'em to us! There's a good chance we'll publish it here for others to enjoy. Just send us an email with 'Story' in the subject line. Please paste the text of your story into the body of the email instead of attaching a file.

Hoax Design Team

Big Foot

Is it a bear? No! It's Big Foot!
Are Big Feet dangerous?
Humboldt County Sighting #1
Humboldt County Sighting #2
Humboldt County Sighting #3
Los Angeles County Sighting #1
Los Angeles County Sighting #2
Aliens & UFO's

Developing good will in Africa
Full Moon UFO
Chinese Movie Theater
Aliens At the Vatican

The Illuminati Freemason Conspiracy
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We love stories about Bigfoot, UFO's & conspiracy theories
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