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Is It A Bear? No! It's Big Foot!

On August 26, 1957, William Roe provided a sworn statement about his encounter with a Bigfoot. Roe, who had worked as a hunter, trapper, and a road worker, was working in British Columbia in 1955. He had hiked five miles up Mica Mountain to explore a deserted mine.

When Roe stepped out of a clearing, he saw what he thought was a grizzly bear. When the animal stood up, he realized this was no grizzly bear! The animal, a female, was six feet tall, three feet wide, and weighed approximately 300 lbs. Her arms reached almost to her knees, and when she walked she put the heel of her foot down first.

Roe was hiding in some brush and was able to observe the creature from a distance of some 20 feet. He watched, fascinated, as she used her white, even teeth to eat leaves from a nearby bush. Her head was "higher at the back than at the front"; her nose was flat. Only the area around her mouth was bare - the rest of her body was covered in hair, none of which was longer than an inch. The ears looked very much like a human's. The eyes were small and dark, similar to a bear's.

At this point, the animal caught Roe's scent and walked back the way she had come, looking over her shoulder as she went. As she disappeared into the bush, Roe heard her make a sound he described as "a kind of a whinny".

Roe wanted to find out whether the animal was a vegetarian or whether she consumed meat as well. He searched for and found signs (feces) in several places. Upon examination, no hair or insect shells were found. Roe concluded this animal lived solely on vegetation.

While Roe could not be sure this creature was, in fact, a Bigfoot, the logical conclusion is that he was fortunate enough to be able to observe this elusive creature up close.

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We love stories about Bigfoot, UFO's & conspiracy theories
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